Hey Stranger

20 May 2019


Well, I started to plot out and type this blog post about a month ago, and got side-tracked – even more so than usual. I’m probably over-thinking these posts when I should just let them flow. Anyway, let’s catch up.

Hard as Flint

I got to visit my brother and sister in Flint, Michigan in late March! With the second child on the way, it was my opportunity to get out before the real fun (chaos) begins! Overall, it was a great trip, very relaxing. We didn’t have any specific plans other than plain ole catching up. We checked out the Flint Farmer’s Market, the For-Mar Nature Preserve, as well as several local breweries, restaurants and bars. I also got to meet a lot of my brother’s neighbors and friends. It was awesome. I put together a little photo series on Instagram that mostly includes Riverbank Park, a defunct park concept along the Flint river.

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Arrrgh, I can’t figure out how to center that embedded photoset. Oh well, I must forge ahead. It wasn’t a long trip, but it was just what the Doctor ordered. I had a great time, and I came back feeling refreshed for the stretch run.

The Podcast

One of the exciting things that bubbled up from the Michigan trip was the opportunity to put some theme music together for a podcast that my brother is launching with a fellow Architect. It’s called the Coffee Sketch Podcast. It’s a good time listening to these two discuss the influence and application of Art and Architecture in our modern world. Oh and coffee… and sketching while drinking coffee. That being said, these guys were moving quickly, already with a couple episodes complete by the time I could create some concepts. Fortunately, the handful of concept snippets I put together were a hit. My weapon of choice was the Elektron Digitone. I really enjoy working with that synth/groovebox. There’s something about the workflow that works for me, and it’s usually the box I reach for when I want to build some grooves quickly. After reviewing the initial concepts with my brother, he picked a favorite and I spent a little more time tweaking and fine-tuning it. I also added a variation and then polished those two snippets up by running them through my FX chain into the recorder. Check out the podcast for some electronic beats, and stay for the jovial banter between two Architects.


I’m definitely struggling with keeping up a decent blogging pace. However, I’m not bothered by that. I’ve been using my free time mostly for digging into music projects and learning the ins and outs of the gear I have. There’s only so much brainpower to spread around in a given day, and I’m choosing to apply it toward the stuff that I enjoy the most.